Workshop on Evolutionary
and Population-based Optimization
Anywhere, November 25th-27th, 2020
WEPO 2020 Topics of Interest Submission Instructions Important Dates Invited Speakers Workshop Program Committees
Types of submission
To reach the stated objectives, we expect three different kinds of works to be submitted to the workshop:
- Research Papers (up to 12 pages). Original and unpublished research works. The aim of this kind of papers it to disseminate to the community a complete research work.
- Exploratory papers (up to 6 pages). Shorter papers with preliminary results or in-progress works. The authors are encouraged to present the main open problems and novel ideas to allow a fruitful discussion that can help in improving the work. Exploratory papers are also a useful tool for students to start presenting their current research.
- Proposal for software demos (2 pages short description). It is well known that the software landscape for evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence is quite fragmented, with tools usually limited to single research groups. With a software demo, we want to encourage researchers to present their software, possibly helping other people in learning how to use it in their research. Authors are also encouraged to make available before the workshop a software repository with the code and examples used in the demo.
Acceptance of the submitted work is given by the following criteria:
- Research Papers. Research paper will be evaluated based on the quality and innovation of the research work, the clarity of the exposition, and the relevance of the research to the audience of the workshop.
- Exploratory papers. The paper should contain enough information to allow an evaluation from the program committee, which will evaluate if the research is in scope for the workshop, if their paper is correct and contains no unfixable flaws, and the amount of research already performed is sufficient as a work-in-progress. While exploratory papers are still work in progress, the light review process will ensure that they can be presented and can allow the start of a fruitful discussion.
- Proposal for software demos: the software should be related to the topics of the workshop, the proposed demo should be of interest for the EC and PO community and the content of the demo should be of a reasonable length to be covered in the allotted time slot.
Submission Instructions
All the paper must be formatted accorded to the Springer’s LNCS style and must be submitted using the EasyChair submission system specifying the WEPO track.
All accepted research and exploratory papers will be published in the AIxIA series of the CEUR-WS proceedings.
All accepted software demos will be available in a local proceedings volume.
Authors of a selection of accepted research papers will be invited to submit an extended and revised version for publication on an volume by an international publisher. A selection of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version for publication on “intelligenza Artificiale”, the International Journal of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence.